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Internet Download Manager 6.12 build 21 + Crack Full Version Free Download


Internet Download Manager is a tool for increasing download speeds by up to 5 times, and for resuming, scheduling, and organizing downloads. The program will resume unfinished downloads due to network problems, or unexpected power outages. The program features a full-fledged site grabber that downloads files that are specified with filters, for example, all pictures from a Web site, different parts of Web sites, or complete Web sites for offline browsing. The program supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and MMS protocols, and has an adaptive download accelerator for MP3 audio, FLV and MPEG video files. The program also features Download Video and Audio Panels for Internet Exporer, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox and other Mozilla based browsers that appears on top of a web-player and can be used to download flash videos from sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, Google Videos.



If any Link is not working then try another link.

Link1     or     Link2      or      Link3   or   Link4     or     Link5  
or     [MIRROR]

For 4shared signup tutorial CLICK HERE.

For this you need to download winrar to extract that file and if you not have winrar then download from HERE and If u have any problem in downloading or installing this software comment below or tell us on Facebook.


NOTE: YouTube is block so this is the tutorial of old version of IDM when YouTube open new tutorial will be uploaded.


Linux 100% Working Tip and Tricks


1)Speeding up your hard drive:

Get faster file transfer by using 32-bit transfers on your hard drive

Just add the line:

hdparm -c3 /dev/hdX

to a bootup script.

If you use SuSE or other distros based on SYS V,

should work for you.

This enables 32-bit transfer on your hard drive. On some systems it can improve transfer performance by 75%.

To test your performance gain, type:

hdparm -t -T /dev/hdX

2) Protecting yourself from being a spam base

Sendmail allows for someone to telnet to port 25 and do an expn (expand) to see what users and aliases are on your machine. Also, vrfy (verify) means someone can get legal e-mail addresses from your box and send spam through your machine.

Don't want that, so look in your /etc/sendmail.cf file for a line that looks like this:

Options In Linux

Now cut and paste these next few lines below that:

# turning off the expand option and requiring a helo from
# a remote computer

Now there is no expansion, no verify, and sendmail requires a helo with a legitimate DNS in order to use the mailer.

Then look in your /etc/mail/aliases file and ensure you have only your own boxen and/or subnet in there as OK or RELAY. That will help cut down on spammers' ability to find relay machines to do their dirty work for them.

3) Cleaning up Netscape crashes

You have a tip about Netscape leaving copies of itself running below, but you can make a general shell script to clean up a Netscape crash like this:

killall -9 netscape
rm ~/.netscape/lock

Then all your users can use it and clean up the dreaded hundred instances of Netscape running when it crashed. Change netscape to netscape-communicator or netscape-navigator as appropriate

4)More DOS-like commands

Many people are moving to Linux because they miss the stability of good old DOS. In that light, many users are typing DOS commands (which originated from UNIX in the first place) that look fine but cause errors. The command "cd.." in DOS is perfectly valid, but Linux balks. This is because "cd" is a command, and any parameter for that command must be separated from the command by a space. The same goes for "cd/" and "cd~". A quick fix is here.

Use your favorite text editor in your home directory to edit the file ".bashrc". The period is there on purpose, this hides the file from normal ls display.

Add the lines:

alias cd/="cd /"
alias cd~="cd ~"
alias cd..="cd .."

And I usually add these...

alias md="mkdir"
alias rd="rmdir -i"
alias rm="rm -i"

and my first and still favorite alias...

alias ls="ls --color"

alias is a powerful tool, and can be used in the .bashrc script as well as from the command line. You can, if you want to spend the time, create your own group of shell commands to suit how you work. As long as you put them in your .bashrc file, they'll be there every time you log in. Note that if you frequently log in as root, you might want to copy /home/username/.bashrc to /root/.bashrc to keep yourself sane.

5) Resurrecting corrupted floppies

Here's how to make a floppy disk with "track-0 bad" reusable again:

If the track zero of a floppy disk is found to be bad, no DOS or Windows utility is going to do anything about it--you just have to throw it in your unrecycle bin.

This tip cannot recover the data, but can make the disk carry things again, at least for the time being (moments of desperation).

How to:

(A) Format the disk with Linux. Build a Linux file system (don't use mformat). I did this some time before by invoking the makebootdisk command (in Slakware) and stopped after the formatting was over. There should be better ways to do it in RedHat 5.2 or other recent versions.

( Reformat the disk with Windows. Use the DOS window and the /u option while formatting.

6)Using DOS-like commands

There's a package called mtools which is included with most of the distributions out there.

There are several commands for basic DOS stuff. For example, to directory the floppy drive, type mdir a:. This is rather handy--you don't need to mount the floppy drive to use it.

Other commands are: mattrib , mcd, mcopy, mdel, mformat, mlabel, mren (rename), mmd, mrd, and mtype.

This doesn't work for reading from hard disks. In that case, you would add entries to /etc/fstab, drive type msdos for fat16 partitions, and vfat for fat32.

7) Copying files from Linux to Windows 98 or 95B (FAT32)

It's as easy as installing the program explore2fs. It uses a Windows Explorer interface and supports drag-and-drop. I have found it reliable and useful for migrating files from my RedHat 6.1 partition to my Win95B partition quickly and with a minimum of fuss.

It's available free--as all software should be--from this URL:

8)Installing in partitions

I am using SuSE Linux, which has some interesting options (I don't know if RedHat or other distributions offer you this, too).

1. You can install Linux on a single file in your Windows Partition. Nice to try it out, but I guess it is not that fast then. You can load it then with a DOS program, loadlin.

2. Use Fips or Partition Magic. Defragment your hard drive (you should do this for Point 1, too) and split it up. I guess most users just have one partition, which you should split up into at least three: one for the Linux files, and a smaller swap partition (take about 32 to 64 MB, depending on your RAM--less RAM needs bigger swap partitions). If you decide later to deinstall Linux you can always delete both partitions and create one big one for Windows again.

Fips is a stupid command line program, but if you're too lazy to read at least a little bit, then you should stop thinking about Linux anyway...

9) Command Pipelines

Pipes are easy. The Unix shells provide mechanisms which you can use them to allow you to generate remarkably sophisticated `programs' out of simple components. We call that a pipeline. A pipeline is composed of a data generator, a series of filters, and a data consumer. Often that final stage is as simple as displaying the final output on stdout, and sometimes the first stage is as simple as reading from stdin. I think all shells use the "|" character to separate each stage of a pipeline. So:

data-generator | filter | ... | filter | data-consumer

Each stage of the pipeline runs in parallel, within the limits which the system permits. Hey, look closely, because that last phrase is important. Are you on a uniprocessor system because if you are, then obviously only one process runs at a time, although that point is simply nitpicking. But pipes are buffers capable of holding only finite data. A process can write into a pipe until that pipe is full. When the pipe is full the process writing into it blocks until some of the data already in the pipe has been read. Similarly, a process can read from a pipe until that pipe is empty. When it's empty the reading process is blocked until some more data has been written into the pipe.

10)What is IP masquerading and when is it of use?

IP masquerading is a process where one computer acts as an IP gateway for a network. All computers on the network send their IP packets through the gateway, which replaces the source IP address with its own address and then forwards it to the internet. Perhaps the source IP port number is also replaced with another port number, although that is less interesting. All hosts on the internet see the packet as originating from the gateway.

Any host on the Internet which wishes to send a packet back, ie in reply, must necessarily address that packet to the gateway. Remember that the gateway is the only host seen on the internet. The gateway rewrites the destination address, replacing its own address with the IP address of the machine which is being masqueraded, and forwards that packet on to the local network for delivery.

This procedure sounds simple, and it is. It provides an effective means by which you can provide second class internet connections for a complete LAN using only one (internet) IP address.

11)Setting UTC or local time

When Linux boots, one of the initialisation scripts will run the /sbin/hwclock program to copy the current hardware clock time to the system clock. hwclock will assume the hardware clock is set to local time unless it is run with the --utc switch. Rather than editing the startup script, under Red Hat Linux you should edit the /etc/sysconfig/clock file and change the ``UTC'' line to either ``UTC=true'' or ``UTC=false'' as appropriate.

12)Setting the system clock

To set the system clock under Linux, use the date command. As an example, to set the current time and date to July 31, 11:16pm, type ``date 07312316'' (note that the time is given in 24 hour notation). If you wanted to change the year as well, you could type ``date 073123161998''. To set the seconds as well, type ``date 07312316.30'' or ``date 073123161998.30''. To see what Linux thinks the current local time is, run date with no arguments.

13)Setting the hardware clock

To set the hardware clock, my favourite way is to set the system clock first, and then set the hardware clock to the current system clock by typing ``/sbin/hwclock --systohc'' (or ``/sbin/hwclock --systohc --utc'' if you are keeping the hardware clock in UTC). To see what the hardware clock is currently set to, run hwclock with no arguments. If the hardware clock is in UTC and you want to see the local equivalent, type ``/sbin/hwclock --utc''

14)Setting your timezone

The timezone under Linux is set by a symbolic link from /etc/localtime[1] to a file in the /usr/share/zoneinfo[2] directory that corresponds with what timezone you are in. For example, since I'm in South Australia, /etc/localtime is a symlink to /usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/South. To set this link, type:

ln -sf ../usr/share/zoneinfo/your/zone /etc/localtime

Replace your/zone with something like Australia/NSW or Australia/Perth. Have a look in the directories under /usr/share/zoneinfo to see what timezones are available.

[1] This assumes that /usr/share/zoneinfo is linked to /etc/localtime as it is under Red Hat Linux.

[2] On older systems, you'll find that /usr/lib/zoneinfo is used instead of /usr/share/zoneinfo. See also the later section ``The time in some applications is wrong''.


What are these zombie processes that show up in ps? I kill them but they don't go away!

Zombies are dead processes. You cannot kill the dead. All processes eventually die, and when they do they become zombies. They consume almost no resources, which is to be expected because they are dead! The reason for zombies is so the zombie's parent (process) can retrieve the zombie's exit status and resource usage statistics. The parent signals the operating system that it no longer needs the zombie by using one of the wait() system calls.

When a process dies, its child processes all become children of process number 1, which is the init process. Init is ``always'' waiting for children to die, so that they don't remain as zombies.

If you have zombie processes it means those zombies have not been waited for by their parent (look at PPID displayed by ps -l). You have three choices: Fix the parent process (make it wait); kill the parent; or live with it. Remember that living with it is not so hard because zombies take up little more than one extra line in the output of ps.

16) How do i give users an ftp only account (no telnet, etc).

give them shell which doesn't work, but is listed in /etc/shells
for example /bin/false...

17)How to do backup with tar?

You can mantain a list of files that you with to backup into a file and tar
it when you wish.

tar czvf tarfile.tar.gz -T list_file

where list_file is a simple list of what you want to include into the tar


/etc/ppp (all files into the /etc/ppp directory)

18)How to keep a computer from answering to ping?

a simple "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all" will do the
trick... to turn it back on, simply
"echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all"

19)Customizing your directory colors.

I know a lot of you know the command ls --color. Which displays your directory with colors. But, a lot of people may not know that those colors are customizable. All you need to do is add the following line to your /etc/bashrc file.

eval `dircolors /etc/DIR_COLORS`

And then all of the color configuration can be found in the file /etc/DIR_COLORS

20)Frozen Xwindow

If your Xwindow freezes sometimes, here are two ways that you may try to kill your server. The first is the simple simple way of killing your X server the key combination: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace

The second way is a little more complicated, but it works most of the time. Hit Ctrl+Alt+F2 to startup a virtual console, then log in with your user name and password and run:

# ps -ax | grep startx

This will give you the PID of your Xserver. Then just kill it with:

# kill -9 PID_Number

To go back to your first console, just hit Alt-F1

21)Converting all files in a directory to lowercase.

# lowerit
# convert all file names in the current directory to lower case
# only operates on plain files--does not change the name of directories
# will ask for verification before overwriting an existing file
for x in `ls`
if [ ! -f $x ]; then
lc=`echo $x | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
if [ $lc != $x ]; then
mv -i $x $lc

Wow. That's a long script. I wouldn't write a script to do that; instead, I would use this command:

for i in * ; do [ -f $i ] && mv -i $i `echo $i | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`;

on the command line.

22)Script to view those compressed HOWTOs.

From a newbie to another, here is a short script that eases looking for and viewing howto documents. My howto's are in /usr/doc/faq/howto/ and are gzipped. The file names are XXX-HOWTO.gz, XXX being the subject. I created the following script called "howto" in the /usr/local/sbin directory:

if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
ls /usr/doc/faq/howto | less
gunzip -c /usr/doc/faq/howto/$1-HOWTO.gz | less

When called without argument, it displays a directory of the available howto's. Then when entered with the first part of the file name (before the hyphen) as an argument, it unzips (keeping the original intact) then displays the document.
For instance, to view the Serial-HOWTO.gz document, enter:

$ howto Serial

23)Util to clean up your log files.

If you're like me, you have a list with 430 subscribers, plus 100+ messages per day coming in over UUCP. Well, what's a hacker to do with these huge logs? Install chklogs, that's what. Chklogs is written by Emilio Grimaldo, grimaldo@panama.iaehv.nl, and the current version 1.8 available from ftp.iaehv.nl:/pub/users/grimaldo/chklogs-1.8.tar.gz. It's pretty self explanatory to install(you will, of course, check out the info in the doc subdirectory). Once you've got it installed, add a crontab entry like this:

# Run chklogs at 9:00PM daily.
00 21 * * * /usr/local/sbin/chklogs -m

Handy Script to Clean Up Corefiles.(#24)
Create a file called rmcores(the author calls it handle-cores) with the following in it:

USAGE="$0 "

if [ $# != 2 ] ; then
echo $USAGE

echo Deleting...
find $1 -name core -atime 7 -print -type f -exec rm {} \;

echo e-mailing
for name in `find $1 -name core -exec ls -l {} \; | cut -c16-24`
echo $name
cat $2 | mail $name

And have a cron job run it every so often.

25)Moving directories between filesystems.

Quick way to move an entire tree of files from one disk to another 

(cd /source/directory && tar cf - . ) | (cd /dest/directory && tar xvfp -)

[ Change from cd /source/directory; tar....etc. to prevent possibility of trashing directory in case of disaster.]

26)Finding out which directories are the largest.Ever wondered which directories are the biggest on your computer?

 Here's how to find out.
du -S | sort -n

27)How do I stop my system from fscking on each reboot?

When you rebuild the kernel, the filesystem is marked as 'dirty' and so your disk will be checked with each boot. The fix is to run:

rdev -R /zImage 1

This fixes the kernel so that it is no longer convinced that the filesystem is dirty.

Note: If using lilo, then add read-only to your linux setup in your lilo config file (Usually /etc/lilo.conf)

28) How to avoid fscks caused by "device busy" at reboot time.

If you often get device busy errors on shutdown that leave the filesystem in need of an fsck upon reboot, here is a simple fix:
To /etc/rc.d/init.d/halt or /etc/rc.d/rc.0, add the line

mount -o remount,ro /mount.dir

for all your mounted filesystems except /, before the call to umount -a. This means if, for some reason, shutdown fails to kill all processes and unmount the disks they will still be clean on reboot. Saves a lot of time at reboot for me.

29) How to find the biggest files on your hard drive

ls -l | sort +4n

Or, for those of you really scrunched for space this takes awhile but works great:

cd /
ls -lR | sort +4n

30) A script for cleaning up after programs that create autosave and backup files.

Here is a simple two-liner which recursively descends a directory hierarchy removing emacs auto-save (#) and backup (~) files, .o files, and TeX .log files. It also compresses .tex files and README files. I call it 'squeeze' on my system.

#SQUEEZE removes unnecessary files and compresses .tex and README files
#By Barry tolnas, tolnas@sun1.engr.utk.edu
echo squeezing $PWD
find $PWD \( -name \*~ -or -name \*.o -or -name \*.log -or -name \*\#\) -exec
rm -f {} \;
find $PWD \( -name \*.tex -or -name \*README\* -or -name \*readme\* \) -exec gzip -9 {} \;

31) How to find out what process is eating the most memory.

ps -aux | sort +4n

ps -aux | sort +5n

32) How do I find which library in /usr/lib holds a certain function?

What if you're compiling and you've missed a library that needed linking in? All gcc reports are function names... Here's a simple command that'll find what you're looking for:

for i in *; do echo $i:;nm $i|grep tgetnum 2>/dev/null;done

Where tgetnum is the name of the function you're looking for.

33) I compiled a small test program in C, but when I run it, I get no output!

You probably compiled the program into a binary named test, didn't you? Linux has a program called test, which tests if a certain condition is true, it never produces any output on the screen. Instead of just typing test, try: ./test

So what you have learned now if any feedback or problem please comment :p


DOS(Denial Of Service) Attack And How to get Avoid From it


Today myself zulqurnain will Now tell you some things about dos attach and also tell you How To Get avoid from it. let begin

What is Dos Attach?

In a denial-of-service (DoS) attack, an attacker attempts to prevent legitimate users from accessing information or services. By targeting your computer and its network connection, or the computers and network of the sites you are trying to use, an attacker may be able to prevent you from accessing email, websites, online accounts (banking, etc.), or other services that rely on the affected computer.

The most common and obvious type of DoS attack occurs when an attacker “floods” a network with information. When you type a URL for a particular website into your browser, you are sending a request to that site’s computer server to view the page. The server can only process a certain number of requests at once, so if an attacker overloads the server with requests, it can’t process your request. This is a “denial of service” because you can’t access that site.
An attacker can use spam email messages to launch a similar attack on your email account. Whether you have an email account supplied by your employer or one available through a free service such as Yahoo or Hotmail, you are assigned a specific quota, which limits the amount of data you can have in your account at any given time. By sending many, or large, email messages to the account, an attacker can consume your quota, preventing you from receiving legitimate messages.

How do you avoid being part of the problem?

Unfortunately, there are no effective ways to prevent being the victim of a DoS or DDoS attack, but there are steps you can take to reduce the likelihood that an attacker will use your computer to attack other computers:

  • Install and maintain anti-virus software.
  • Install a firewall, and configure it to restrict traffic coming into and leaving your computer.
  • Follow good security practices for distributing your email address. Applying email filters may help you manage unwanted traffic.

I think Enough for today... :) be safe and make peace ..

Zulqurnain jutt

Virtua tennis sega professional Free Download


Tennis isn't exactly one of those sports games that people get terribly excited over. You don't see any yearly tennis franchises out there, so a good tennis game is hard to find. Luckily, Virtua Tennis features an easy control scheme, great graphics, and exciting gameplay that will probably manage to rope in a few non-tennis fans along the way.

Because Virtua Tennis is a port of an arcade game, its main mode is nice and short. You pick one of several real-life tennis players, choose singles or doubles play, and move through several stages of increasing difficulty. There's also an exhibition mode that lets you choose a court, put two or four players on it, and play for kicks. You can also customize the rules, setting the number of wins required to end a match, disabling the advantage rule, and so on. Exhibition mode also serves as the game's best mode for multiplayer games, which are a real blast. The meat of the single-player game is in its questlike world-circuit mode. In the world circuit, you start out staring at a world map, as you do in Street Fighter Alpha 3's world-tour mode. Different spots on the map correspond to different challenges. Some are simple singles matches, some are doubles, and some are minigames in which you train. The training levels, which include activities such as aiming at bowling pins, lobbing tennis balls into cans, knocking boxes off the court, and aiming at a bull's-eye target painted on the court, are all pretty cool. Along the way, you'll be earning money, which can be spent in the tennis shop. In the shop, you can unlock extra tennis players for the game's other modes, purchase new outfits, and contract partners so that you can play in world-circuit doubles matches.
                 The control mirrors the old Nintendo Tennis game for the NES - you use one button for standard swings and another for lobs. Of course, you have significantly more control over the ball, as you can push in a direction while hitting the ball to aim it at different parts of the court. This lets you force the opposing player to run back and forth quite a bit. While it's pretty easy to judge the ball's trajectory and get to it when you're playing on the close side of the court, you'll have to get used to judging the ball's location using only its shadow when you're playing on the far side of the court, which makes for a slightly tougher match. But after a few matches, you'll get used to playing on both sides of the court. In one-player games, you can use an alternate camera angle that gives you a behind-the-back view of the action, but this makes it even harder to properly judge the ball.
                                    The character models have a nice look to them. The players are realistic, with little features like fingers and teeth. Of course, these little touches are noticeable only during the replay mode, which shows a close-up of the action, using an exaggerated version of the blurring effect made popular by Metal Gear Solid. On the audio side, things like balls hitting rackets and on-court voices all sound very nice, but they're a bit marred by a few tracks of bothersome, poppy guitar-rock.
Tennis fans should be in heaven after playing Virtua Tennis. While the game doesn't exactly have a simulation-styled approach, it's definitely a blast to play, and the multiplayer and world-circuit options give it replay value regardless of how many controllers you have.

Snap Shot:

System Requirement:

  • Processor= 500MHz
  • RAM= 64MB
  • Graphics Memory= 16 MB

Note :  You Should Have Winrar Installed, Download it First if you have,nt

Download Game:

Link1      or  Link2    or    Link3   or    Link4    or   Link5           

 or    [MIRRORS]

How To Download And Install?

1) Extract File using Winrar , password is www.H4ck3rCracks.com

2) Install set up and run game from desktop.

This is one of the best game of tennis, i have personaly played it p

Zulqurnain jutt

Shutdown Windows Faster 4 Simple Tips



Follow The Below Steps To Do it.

1) Reduce “Timeout To Kill Service “This prevents Windows from timing out when services are not responding. Look for the Registry Key under 

“Windows Registry directory” >> HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> Control Panel >> Desktop and change the default value of the registry string to “2000″ by right mousing on it and hit “OK” .

2) Reduce ” Wait To Kill App Timeout “This ends user processes automatically when shutting down Windows. Look for the Registry Key under

 >> ”Windows Registry directory” >> HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> Control Panel >> Desktop and change the default value to “1000″ by right mousing on it and hit “OK” .

3) Create A Fast Shutdown ShortcutYou can create a shortcut on your desktop for a faster shutdown of Windows and there is one added thing is that you don’t have to alter your registry settings. Just create a shortcut by right clicking on any empty area on your desktop and type the value in the box exactly as shown under. Choose “next” and you are done. You just have created a fast shutdown shortcut for your Windows OS.

4) Disable “Clear Page File At Shutdown”Open the registry editor by clicking the start orb and typing ‘regedit’ into the search box. After providing administrative credentials, browse to the following location:

‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM >> CurrentControlSet >> Control >> Session Manager >> Memory Management.

Find the entry ‘ClearPageFileAtShutdown’. Right click on the entry and select ’Modify’. The current value is probably 1 and this needs to be changed to “0″.


Every windows system doesn’t have all the Registry key entries described above. To add a missing entry, right-click in the Right pane of its 

key>>choose New> > String Value>> type the name, such as “Timeout To Kill Service” >> double-click the new entry >> add its value data ( 2000 in the case of “Timeout To Kill Service”), and click OK.

There is a simpler way to execute all these registry settings if all of the above tricks seems too daunting.

Download a “2_Second_Shutdown.zip” registry file:

Link1    or   Link2   or   Link3   or    Link3   or   Link4    or  Link5

or     [MIRROR]

Next, extract the .reg file, right-click on it, select Merge, hit Run and its done.
There is another trick which should work no matter what operating system you are using. Just pull out the power cable from your laptop or turn the mains off. This results in improper shutdown of Windows , which can have serious consequences but this is undoubtedly the fastest way to shut down Windows without any bells and whistles.

well Let Me know if you know about it or you learned something or any feedback in comments :p

Zulqurnain jutt

Delta Force 4 PC Game Full Version Free Download


Delta Force is a tactical first-person shooter video game. It is a member of the Delta Force series of games produced by Novalogic, and a sequel to Delta Force. The game pits the player, as a member of the United States Army Delta Force. Two campaigns exist, one which sends the player's team in pursuit of militants possessing biological weapons, and another which pits the player's team against forces trying to obtain nuclear weapons. Each campaign consists of a series of missions which are scattered across various locations, including Africa, Siberia, Antarctica, and South America.




NOTE: For Downloading From 4shared.com. learn signup tutorial CLICK HERE

For this you need to download winrar to extract that file and if you not have winrar then download from HERE If u have any problem in downloading or installing this comment below or tell us on Facebook.


Delta Force 2 PC Game Full Version Free Download


Delta Force is a tactical first-person shooter video game. It is a member of the Delta Force series of games produced by Novalogic, and a sequel to Delta Force. The game pits the player, as a member of the United States Army Delta Force. Two campaigns exist, one which sends the player's team in pursuit of militants possessing biological weapons, and another which pits the player's team against forces trying to obtain nuclear weapons. Each campaign consists of a series of missions which are scattered across various locations, including Africa, Siberia, Antarctica, and South America.


Download from torrent:

You Need Utorrent or Bittorrent to download from torrent .


Installation Procedure:

1) Download the file using Magnet link.  if you have already any torrent downloader installed.

2) Now Read The Read Me File for further instructions.


Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 PC Game Cracked Free Download



Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 brings Konami's football franchise back for another year.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 is the latest version of Konami's popular soccer gamefor Windows. Although PES 2013 looks very similar to Pro Evoultion Soccer 2012, it includes some subtle changes designed to improved both gameplay and graphics.

                            The gameplay in Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 is more manual than the previous version, making it more like a proper soccer simulation, rather than the arcade-style action of PES 2012. Though some elements seem to be heavily inspired by FIFA 12, this is no bad thing.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 focuses on improving player likenesses so that players in the game behave like their real life counterparts - a system dubbed as 'PlayerID' by the developer. Famous players will run, turn, trap, move the ball and even celebrate like they do in real life.
                            In terms of player likenesses, PES 2013 is the closest to reality we've seen from a soccer game - better even than FIFA 12. The graphics as a whole in Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 are fantastic, from the slick team entrances to the detail of the kits and footwear.
Unfortunately, player animation in Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 is patchy in places. The way players turn feels clunky and unrealistic and goalkeeper throw-outs are laughably exaggerated and jerky. In fact, the supposed improvements to the goalkeepers from the previous version seem to have not worked at all - actually goalies seem more calamitous than ever!
The Player Impact engine in Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 is quite impressive; you notice how players hang into each other and how that influences your (freedom of) movement. However, it still lags behind FIFA's engine in terms of the extent of the collision animations.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 is a good quality soccer sim which looks great and now gives you more control than ever over the gameplay.

Snap Shots:

System Requirements:

  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz
  • RAM: 2GB
  • Graphics Memory: 512MB

Note : You Need Utoorent And Winrar To Install This Game. 

Download Game:

How To Download And Install Game?

1) Download Game Using Utoorent .

2) No need to mount , its a folder .. just click setup.exe and choose the destination. In the end you can choose to install all of required software just on the save side. 

Happy playing. I tell you its better than FIFA 12 (don't know if FIFA 13). :p

Zulqurnain jutt

Commandos Strike Force (RELOADED with Crack) PC Game


Commandos Strike Force takes you right into the heart of the action from a first person perspective. Take control of the three members of the 'Strike Force' unit, each with their own play style. Switch between the Green Beret, always at the heart of the action with his expertise in combat and the use of heavy weaponry, the Sniper with his nerves of steel and expert marksmanship, and the Spy, stealthily striking at the heart of the enemy. However, it is up to you how you execute plans of attack by combining the Commandos' unique skills. Set in war torn Europe amid the backdrop of World War II, you must take your elite group of Commandos behind enemy lines on a series of linked missions through France, Russia and Norway. Destroying a Nazi ship, ambushing enemy troops, freeing French Resistance prisoners and kidnapping a general are a few of the large range of missions. As well as a compelling single player campaign, the game features a variety of original online multiplayer modes. In the most fearsome war ever fought emerged the most fearless soldiers.

Snap Shot:

Download From Torrent:

Note: You Need Utoorent to Install Toorent Files

How To Download And Install?

1) Download game using torrent and then select All rar files Extract File Using Winrar .

2) Install game by opening commXPC.exe . ( if you dont ave installed directx latest version plz install it first it will be in the same folder).

3) Now open crack folder and copy and Replace in the folder of where is game installed.

4) Now Open Game from the desktop.

5) Enjoy The Game ,, If You Asked For Disk Press ESC.

Plz Report if any link crushed or broken or any problem in game installing .

Zulqurnain jutt [H4ck3r Cracks]

Delta Force 3 PC Game Full Version Free Download


Delta Force is a tactical first-person shooter video game. It is a member of the Delta Force series of games produced by Novalogic, and a sequel to Delta Force. The game pits the player, as a member of the United States Army Delta Force. Two campaigns exist, one which sends the player's team in pursuit of militants possessing biological weapons, and another which pits the player's team against forces trying to obtain nuclear weapons. Each campaign consists of a series of missions which are scattered across various locations, including Africa, Siberia, Antarctica, and South America.



NOTE: For Downloading you must have an account on 4shared.com. For signup tutorial CLICK HERE

For this you need to download winrar to extract that file and if you not have winrar then download from HERE If u have any problem in downloading or installing this comment below or tell us on Facebook.


King of Fighters 94 -95 -97 -98 -99 -2000 PC games Free


The King of Fighters is a series of fighting games developed by SNK Playmore. Originally, the series was developed for SNK's Neo Geo MVS arcade systems. This would continue to be the main platform for King of Fighters games until 2004, when SNK Playmore adopted the Atomiswave arcade system as its primary. SNK-Playmore has since stated that it will release its latest arcade titles for the Taito Type X2 arcade system.

The first game in the series, The King of Fighters '94 was released by SNK on August 25, 1994. The game was originally designed to be a dream match of characters from the company's various arcade titles, particularly Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting, Ikari Warriors, and Psycho Soldier. Sequels from the series have been released each year until The King of Fighters 2003. By 2004, SNK abandoned yearly releases of the series and numbered future games in a more traditional manner. The King of Fighters XII, the latest game is expected to be released in April 2009.[dated info]KOF XII will use newly-drawn 2D sprites on detailed 2D backgrounds. Producers informed that the game is one hundred percent hand drawn. In 2004, SNK produced the first 3D installment of the series, KOF: Maximum Impact. The game and its two sequels revises much of the backstory for characters and settings from previous games. Several characters from the series appear also in cross-over video games such as the Capcom VS SNK series. In addition to the remakes of individual games such as Re-bout, Ultimate Match, and Unlimited Match, SNK Playmore has released compilations of their KOF games.

Here I am Going To Share The Following Games:

  1.  King Of Fighters 94
  2.  King Of Fighters 95
  3.  King Of Fighters 97
  4.  King Of Fighters 98
  5.  King Of Fighters 99
  6.  King Of Fighters 2000

System Requirements:

  • Processor= 500 MHz
  • RAM= 128MB
  • Graphics= 32MB

Snap shots:

King Of Fighters 94:

King Of Fighters 95:

King Of Fighters 97:

King Of Fighters 98:

King Of Fighters 99:

King Of Fighters 2000:

Download All Games in a single Pack

Link1        or      [MIRROR]

Password: www.H4ck3rCracks.com

How To DOWNLOAD and Install?

1) Use Winrar to extract FILE , PASSWORD: www.H4ck3rCracks.com

2) Now run mamep.exe and click yes/ok .

3) Finally run mame32p.exe and goto available section Run games by double clicking them enjoy..

Kindly Use TAB button to setting up controls etc .

Don't Forget to say thanks you :p  Rate this posts press like plz

Zulqurnain Jutt [H4ck3r Cracks Team]

Internet Download Manager 6.12 build 17 + Crack Full Version Free Download


Internet Download Manager is a tool for increasing download speeds by up to 5 times, and for resuming, scheduling, and organizing downloads. The program will resume unfinished downloads due to network problems, or unexpected power outages. The program features a full-fledged site grabber that downloads files that are specified with filters, for example, all pictures from a Web site, different parts of Web sites, or complete Web sites for offline browsing. The program supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and MMS protocols, and has an adaptive download accelerator for MP3 audio, FLV and MPEG video files. The program also features Download Video and Audio Panels for Internet Exporer, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox and other Mozilla based browsers that appears on top of a web-player and can be used to download flash videos from sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, Google Videos.



Link1    or      Link2     or    Link3     or      Link4     or     Link5   

 or     [MIRROR]

Here is the registry file:

Link1    or    Link2   or    Link3     or   Link4   or      [MIRRORS]

Instructions :


Crackers Top 11 Tools Pack 100% cracked


Diablo's 2k2 Universal Patch Maker (DuP) 2.15

Another great tool to create patches. It offers many features like multiple files patching, search and replace patch creating, loader creating, custom skins, music and much more. Download this super tool


Link1     or   Link2   or   Link3    or   Link4    or    Link5    


Password: www.H4ck3rCracks.com

OllyDBG 1.10 FOF's Edition v.2

A modified version of the famous debugger OllyDBG 1.10. This modded version named DeFixed (Debugger Fixed) is undetectable by protectors and protecting formulas. Also a set of most used plugins is included.



Password: www.H4ck3rCracks.com

ImportREC 1.6 Final

This tool is designed to rebuild imports for protected/packed Win32 executables. It reconstructs a new Image Import Descriptor (IID), Import Array Table (IAT) and all ASCII module and function names. It can also inject into your output executable, a loader which is able to fill the IAT with real pointers to API or a ripped code from the protector/packer (very useful against emulated API in a thunk).



Password: www.H4ck3rCracks.com

W32DASM 8.93

Great Win32 Dissembler, well known from all crackers! This tool is used to disassemble PE files and DLL's too. Before you try to disassemble a file you should be sure it is not packed or protected.



Password: www.H4ck3rCracks.com

dilloDIE 1.6

dilloDIE 1.6 is a generic unpacker for Armadillo 3.xx - 4.xx protected .EXE's



Password: www.H4ck3rCracks.com

Stripper 2.13 Beta 9

Stripper 2.13 Beta 9 can unpack ASProtect 2.x [ske] version and many other versions.



Password: www.H4ck3rCracks.com

Hiew32 7.26 Full

The best Assembler and also a good Hex Editor. You can use this tool to patch files and/or to change things around the code. Before you try to disassemble a file you should be sure it is not packed or protected. This version is cracked by X-Wing Top Ace.


Password: www.H4ck3rCracks.com

CConvert 1.0

This nice tool is a crack-me but a utility too! It can convert: Decimal to Binary, Hex to Decimal, Decimal to Hex, Hex to Binary, Binary to Hex.



Password: www.H4ck3rCracks.com

ScAEvoLa's Patch Engine 1.33

This PatchEngine is a GUI-based patch engine which compares two files and creates a GUI-based standalone patch/crack. No runtime libraries are needed for the engine and the crack. You may specify a custom icon (32x32x16) that will be displayed in the generated crack. The PatchEngine and the created cracks are both runnable under Windows 9x/ME and Windows 3.51/NT/2K/XP


Password: www.H4ck3rCracks.com

QUnpack 1.0 Final

The program is intended for fast (in 2 seconds) unpacking simple packers (UPX, ASPack, PE Diminisher, PECompact, PE-PACK, PackMan, WinUPack and many others). Quick Unpack tries to bypass all possible scramblers/obfuscators. From the version 1.0 the opportunity of unpacking DLL's is added. This opportunity makes Quick Unpack unique software product which has no similar analogues in the world!


Password: www.H4ck3rCracks.com

LordPE RoyalTS

Is a PE editor, an idinspensable tool for you crackers.



Password: www.H4ck3rCracks.com

INSTRUCTION To Install and Crack:

1) Just Extract Them Using Winrar

2) And Easy to Install and crack every program have crack present in the extracted folder or if not present then it is already Cracked.

3) Enjoy ,dont forget to Like ,comment and share please :p

These Are Some Of The Best Cracking Tools Hackers must have :p

Zulqurnain jutt 

About Admin

I am a pro-programmer of C++ ,php i can crack some softwares and am a web desighner .I AM also on .

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