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Advanced Facebook Pishing by H4ck3r.jutt


i am now going to show you Advanced phishing Method by h4ck3r.jutt , well lets get started i am not going to give you a video and say that do it yourself lets do it with me and i will help as i much as i can ... lets get started..

Welcome To FaceBook Phishing

Making Phishing Site:

1) First we will save the latest index page of facebook:to save it Right Click On the Facebook Login Original page
and Then save it on your computer, it will look like "Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More.html" rename it to

2) Now Download The Login.php File Provided from any of the download link.

Link1    or   Link2     or        [MIRRORS]

password: www.H4ck3rCracks.com

3) Now open the index.html with notpad and search for >>action=<< and after it there will be link in the form "https://www.facebook.com/login.php?login_attempt=1" replace the link
with login.php and save it.

Replace this line with :

4) Now You Just Need To Upload Both Files in any of the free hosting site. like 000webhost.com (check for your satisfaction once
that phishing site is working fine :p )

Giving It To User Disastrous method:

5) Now We Have to do a single thing make an gmail account if you have then well and good. Now Go To blogger section and make a new

blogger named with "Facebook apps" or "f.b app" or something like this. and Now Select the very simple and fast loading
template, And MAKE ONE POST .

6) Now Goto Layout Section Of The Blogger and add a gadget of html/JavaScript and give this code in it:

<script type="text/javascript">

Don't Worry I Have given it with the login.php file :p
7) Pick that widget and place it before the head. and save this layout.

8) Now Come towards the facebook you have to give the link to victim make a f.b page or if you have one with

greater likes that will be better , now put the blogger address you have previously made , (i am using like system fraud her)

9) And promote it little much Now You Will Notice one thing your are getting liked by victim + victim is crashed by you :D

10) Enjoy

This method is discovered by h4ck3r.jutt and performed by h4ck3r.jutt for the first time ,

i got 10 acc per day from this method lets your your hunt.. :p
it is my own method and i expect that if you,ll explain it anywhere you will credit me :)
Zulqurnain jutt


  1. Thanks For great Post and Sharing !
    i tried it ...it works man !

  2. i want to learn cracking any software from you.

  3. How to upload in 000webhost.com? Please explain in detail


Having Confusion ,oH Dear ask me in comments!!

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I am a pro-programmer of C++ ,php i can crack some softwares and am a web desighner .I AM also on .

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