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[ Problem ] Calculating Digital Root Input from Binary File

Problem :

Given a well-formed (non-empty, fully valid) string of digits, let the integer N be the sum of digits. Then, given this integer N, turn it into a string of digits. Repeat this process until you only have one digit left. Simple, clean, and easy: focus on writing this as cleanly as possible in your preferred programming language.


Input Description


As a crude form of hashing function, Lars wants to sum the digits of a number. Then he wants to sum the digits of the result, and repeat until he have only one digit left. He learnt that this is called the digital root of a number, but the Wikipedia article is just confusing him.

Can you help him implement this problem in your favourite programming language?

It is possible to treat the number as a string and work with each character at a time. This is pretty slow on big numbers, though, so Lars wants you to at least try solving it with only integer calculations (the modulo operator may prove to be useful!).


Formal Inputs & Outputs
Input Description

A positive integer, possibly 0.
Output Description

An integer between 0 and 9, the digital root of the input number.

Sample Inputs & Outputs

Sample Input


Sample Output

8, because 3+1+3+3+7=17 and 1+7=8
Challenge Input


Challenge Input Solution

Note :
GIve the user option to either input the number as well or read input from a binary file in binary mode.

Solution :

Code :

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;

int main(void){  
	long int n,m;
	int c=0,a=0;
	printf("Take Input from binary File (y/n) :=:");
	char ch=getch();
			char r[25];
			cout<<"\n\n\nEnter The Name of the File :=:"; cin>>r;
			printf("\n\n Write New Value or Read Previous ? (W/R) :=:"); 
			char chi=getch();
				int num;
				cout<<"\n\nEnter The Number to store :=: "; cin>>num;
				ofstream of(r,ios::binary|ios::out);
				of.write((char*)&num,sizeof(&num)); // writing
			ifstream in(r,ios::binary|ios::in);
				cout<<"\n\n\t\t::Wrong Input of file::\n";
				in.read((char*)&n,sizeof(&n)); // then reading what is written :p
		else if(ch=='N'||ch=='n'){

			cout<<"\n\n\nEnter Your Number :=:"; cin>>n; cout<<"\n\n";
		cout<<"Invalid Entry Kindly Number Should be greater than 9\n\n";
	m = n;
	m = c;
	cout<<"\n\n\nHere is the Digital Root of Num :"<<n<<": :=:"<<a<<"\n\n";
	return 0;

Logic & Implementation :

  • Used Concept of Binary File I/O , in.read((char *)& (Here is Your Variable/identifier) ,  sizeof(& (Here is Your Variable/identifier) )) . same with in.write , it will convert your each bit( character  ) in binary while storing .
  • Digital root is already explained.
  • Use printf() when you are using getch() or getche() , printf() is in stdio.h and getch() and getche() is in conio.h 
  • When Stream directories Like fstream or iostream will be used Do not use as .h at end in c++ Use using namespace std; as i've used .
  • Keep In Mind { Everything inside this will be destroyed after it complete execution called Scope } .


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